The Game of (Finding a) Throne for Little Man

Category: Diapers

We’re blessed. We haven’t had to purchase a stroller for Little Man nor have we had to buy him a car seat. Other friends have lent their items to us for use and we plan on giving them back once Little Man outgrows them. Up first is the car seat. Little Man is currently riding in a Chicco KeyFit 30 infant car seat  and a matching stroller for when we go into the store and don’t want to Ergobaby him around. He’s quickly outgrowing the seat so we needed to pick up a car seat sooner or later. The search began like most of my searches for baby/electronics or anything else: Consumer Reports.

Like any new parent, we had our expectations and our checklist of features we wanted. It needed to be able to grow with Little Man. It needed to have high crash ratings. It needed to be comfortable. It needed to be easy to use because honestly, I’m lazy and I don’t want something that takes forever to install or uninstall. We looked at both the all-in-ones, and the convertible seats.

We went to Buy Buy Baby and Target to get our hands on the actual items. BBB itself is a whole type of experience.

Sidebar: I’ve been in the store before but it always amazes me to see the amount of gadgets and doo-dads the store carries. Seriously, an $850, electronically folding stroller??  Who needs something like that? Of course, as I was thinking that to myself, a young mom-to-be was seriously checking it out and asking the customer service rep about it. Baby rockers that move to the beat of music from your iPhone? Collapsible play pens and pregnancy sound systems? I feel like I had a pretty good childhood and I don’t remember having any of these things. Need to fold your stroller? Use your hands. Baby’s crying? Rock them in your arms. Play pen? Little Man LOVES his cardboard box. Some days it’s a car. Other days, it’s a play pen. But I digress. To each their own. 

After a 4 hours of actual in-store shopping and many more reading reviews we finally made our decision…

And the throne:


Chicco NextFit. In the end, a 20% off sale from Target paired with a $100 gift card from co-workers and solid reviews made this too tempting to pass up. Simple. Safe. Secure. Sold.

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