Breakfast, the Most Important Meal of the Week.

I firmly believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But now, we’ve turned it into the family’s most important meal of the week. As part of this, we’ve embarked on a journey to explore of breakfast spots in DC. It serves two main purposes:

  • Quality family time: During the week, Little Man wakes up around 7AM. We’re in the office by about 9AM. We’re home around 6PM (on days I don’t have BJJ practice) and Little Man’s back in bed by about 8PM. Factor in time for making and eating dinner, feedings, and getting dressed for the day, there’s really only about 2-3 hours tops each day that we get to hang out with Little Man. It’s even even less time that we get to spend with each other. A few weeks ago, we made a conscience decision to just spend more time with the three of us. Reason #1.
  • Dreaming the dream: My family has owned a restaurant before. During my last years in high school and most of college, my parents owned a Vietnamese restaurant in St. Paul, MN that I dreaded going to (except, of course to eat). To this day, I still hesitate to make egg rolls because of the thousands of egg rolls I had to make whenever I wasn’t at a school event. Granted, I got it easier compared to my siblings because I was so involved in school activities, it was still scarring nonetheless. Regardless of all of this, we’ve had conversations about “what if” we owned something of our own? The conversation started with a bakery/coffee shop. Then it turned into a restaurant. How would it look like? What would the feel be? What about the clientele? What would we serve? The Saturday breakfast allows us to dream a little dream that someday may, or may not come to fruition. Reason #2.

So in the weeks to come, we’ll be adding more about the the restaurants we visit, what we like and what we’d want to incorporate into our “dream restaurant.” Happy Breakfast everyone! 

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