Jack Bauer’s got NOTHING on our last 24 hours!

Jack Bauer's got NOTHING on our last 24 hours!

5:00 AM – Little Man wakes up for a feeding.
8:00 AM – Up again, but this time we head out to Ted’s Bulletin for our weekly breakfast exploration.
11:00 AM – Little Man’s first hike at through Black Hills State Park in Maryland.
11:13 AM – Little Man’s first ride on a swing!
12:45 PM – Little Man’s first fishing trip! (Technically, I was casting the lures but hey, he was there with me.)
1:15 PM – Little Man’s first “nap” in a hammock with Mama.
4:04 PM – Little Man’s first car accident. No worries, everyone’s okay. No harm, no foul. Well, at least not to my car. Trailer hitches in DC are essential.
10:00 PM – Family Scrabble night. I got beat. Twice. Badly.
4:50 AM – Yes, AM, not PM. Little Man wakes up.
4:51 AM – We can hear knocking and pounding somewhere on the first floor.
4:52 AM – Brother knocks on the door and says in a voice reminiscent of the waterfall incident, “Come down quick! I think someone’s breaking into the shed!”
4:55 AM – I run outside in nothing but a pair of shorts to see what’s going on. I see a guy, underneath the deck just standing there. I tell the guy to stand still and don’t move. He listens.
4:56 AM – Police are called. Still standing there in shorts. Getting cold. Can hear Little Man crying from upstairs.
5:00 AM – Brother brings out sandals and a jacket.
5:19 AM – Call the police again.
5:20 AM – Police finally showed up. The guy is clearly intoxicated. They walk him off the property.
5:30 AM – Little Man finally goes back to sleep. So does Mama and Dad. Time to hit the reset button.

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